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The Interledger app is your gateway into the Interledger ecosystem.

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Interledger is the protocol that makes sending money as easy as sending an email. The Interledger app provides you with a simple gateway to the Interledger network supporting the Interledger protocol and the entire Interledger stack, including Open payments and Web Monetization.

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“We've been part of the Interledger journey since the beginning. This app is the embodiment of what we believe is the ideal digital wallet. Simple, easy to use, and interoperable with any other wallet on the network.”

The Fynbos team

At Fynbos we love building beautiful products that are a joy to use. This wallet is provided to the Interledger community as a reference implementation of what is possible when you take away all of the complexity and stick to the basics.

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Meet the Fynbos team


Co-founder and CEO


Co-founder, CTO


Co-founder, Engineer


Co-founder, Engineer


Head of Product Design